We're helping householders stay warm and well at home...
Jacqui is now generating her own electricity
read Jacqui's story >
We're helping householders stay warm and well at home...
Jacqui is now generating her own electricity
read Jacqui's story >
Upcoming event on Saturday 8th October 2022...
Shropshire Green Doors.
Click here to find green homes near you>
We're helping householders stay warm and well at home...
Jacqui is now generating her own electricity
read Jacqui's story >
We're helping householders stay warm and well at home...
Diane is now facing a warmer future...
read Diane's story >
'Words can't express my gratitude of a grant towards my new boiler. It has enabled me to come alive again and to move freely around my home.'
Diane is now facing a warmer future...
read Diane's story >
We supported
people in fuel poverty
of the people we
had health conditions
We partnered
with over
We delivered
more than
home visits
For Sandwell and Wolverhampton residents: for enquiries and applications for grants for home energy efficiency improvements:
0800 677 1307
[email protected]
For general energy advice, please contact Warmer Homes West Midlands on 0808 1968 298 or email [email protected] or visit warmerhomeswm.org.uk
call free:
0800 677 1332
[email protected]
To find out about our work in Nottinghamshire please visit www.everybodys-talking.org or contact Peter Burgess-Allen – [email protected] – 07908 436806. Please note we can’t provide any energy advice by phone.